Drupchen is a sacred ritual practice of usually 7 to 10 days, preserved in Tibet and referring back to Buddhist ceremonies in India, 2000 years ago.
In Tibet, it was considered a huge blessing to participate in any way in such practice, which has a power equivalent to a long retreat. Even those who had only a rudimentary understanding of the ritual would just come to be in the presence of the mandala, and to add to the practice their own prayers and aspirations for enlightenment.
They would participate by sponsoring the offerings, offering tea and food to the practitioners and helping with the many material tasks necessary for the maintenance of the practice. The tradition is that everyone participates according to their capacity and that each individual receives the entirety of the benefits.
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Film 01
The Spirit of Drupchen
A total immersion in the Tukdrup Parche Kunsel Drupchen
in lembrun, spring ‘17
Narration by Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche,
interpreting teachings of Orgyen Topgyal Rinpche during the ceremony.
A Production of Hidden Insight
Editing: Toa Daguet
Music: Ivan Georgiev
Camera, concept and managment: Rinzin Benson & Lucas Stürzenhofecker
Duration: 12 minutes • Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese
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5€ is the price to cover the cost of materiel
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The Book
Drupchen, the great accomplishment
Limited edition
multifunctional cover
Calligraphy by Pema Wangyal Rinpoche
Book Cover allows to flip pages like a traditional Tibetan book
Images of the ceremonies
on 300g strong paper natural surface
30 singel pages with the quotes of teachings
With translation in French / Spanish / Portuguese / German
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45€ is the production price, you can support the net project by adding more
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About the project
This book, film and the corresponding website were created to allow the spirit of the drupchen to blossom in our hearts.
We would like to thank our teachers, sponsors, and the production team for their inspiration, enthusiasm and many hours of voluntary work.
This project was made possible through their united efforts.
We dedicate the merit of this work to the long life and good health of our Teachers, the increase of their activities, and the fulfilment of their wishes.